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Using your own body's intelligence to help you get better...

What is Kinesiology


Developed by a Chiropractor, Kinesiology means 'The study of movement'. Kinesiology is a non-invasive, natural therapy that uses muscle testing to identify imbalances and blockages within the body. It combines principles from various disciplines such as anatomy, physiology, Chinese medicine, and psychology to restore balance and promote overall health.


It also combines chiropractics, nutrition, lymphatics, cranial sacral, energy work, mindset work, emotional imbalances, meridian flushing, food sensitivity including allergies and intolerances, phobias, fears, emotional stress and so much more.

How does Kinesiology work


This non-invasive approach effectively and safely ‘attacks’ a root/core problem(s) on all layers in a holistic perspective as we are dealing with the entire body which has multiple layers compared to other modalities which only address one layer.


Therefore, Kinesiology is able to achieve long term results and also able to directly identify a problem using your body as the method of communication to determine what it needs rather than making assumptions or learned patterns given like in western medicine as one size does not fit all with body constitutions and we need to have a modality to help customise for this which is what Kinesiology offers.

During a kinesiology session, our trained and experienced practitioners use gentle muscle testing techniques to communicate with the body's innate wisdom. By accessing the body's biofeedback mechanism, they can identify stressors, imbalances, and energetic blockages that may be causing physical, emotional, or mental discomfort.

Once the imbalances are identified, our practitioners work with you to develop a personalised treatment plan. This may include a combination of techniques such as acupressure, energy balancing, nutritional support, emotional release, and lifestyle changes. The goal is to restore harmony and facilitate the body's natural healing process.


How Can Kinesiology Benefit You?


Personalised Wellness Plans: Kinesiologists develop individualised plans based on your unique needs, considering physical, emotional, and energetic aspects.

​Stress Reduction: Through muscle testing, Kinesiology identifies stressors and employs techniques to mitigate their impact, promoting relaxation and stress relief.

Enhanced Physical Health: Kinesiology can help identify nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, and other factors that may be impacting your physical health.

Improved Energy Flow: By identifying and clearing energetic blockages, kinesiology helps restore the body's natural energy flow, leading to increased vitality.

Improved energy flow: By identifying and clearing energetic blockages, kinesiology helps restore the body's natural energy flow, leading to increased vitality.

Emotional Balance: Kinesiology techniques can assist in releasing emotional trauma and promoting emotional resilience.

Exploring Kinesiology Techniques

Kinesiology embraces various techniques tailored to suit diverse needs:

1. Muscle Testing:

This non-invasive technique involves assessing muscle response to identify imbalances or stress within the body.


2. Structural Testing:
Optimises movement patterns and posture. Teaching corrective exercises to Improve muscle strength and flexibility. 

Fascial Release Techniques: Enhances range of motion and reduces pain.

Integrative Techniques: Promotes holistic well-being and mind-body connection.


3. Nutritional Testing: 

Nutritional Supplementation & Dietary Advice: Specific supplements, in tested doses, are used therapeutically to clear biochemical imbalance, toxicity and deficiency. This includes sensitivity testing. Dietary changes can help you reach and maintain health and fitness gained from treatments.

4. Energy Balancing:

Working on the body's energy pathways to restore balance and vitality, often drawing from practices like acupuncture and acupressure.

5. Emotional Release:

Unresolved emotions can manifest physically. Kinesiology helps release emotional blockages, promoting emotional well-being.


The physical body is a complex self-regulating organism. It has an innate ability to maintain homeostasis. Injury, poor diet, lack of exercise and mental stress upset this finely tuned mechanism, which can lead to illness. These techniques help to bring the body back to wellness.

Nutritional Supplementation & Dietary Advice: Specific supplements, in tested doses, are used therapeutically to clear biochemical imbalance, toxicity and deficiency. This includes sensitivity testing. Dietary changes can help you reach and maintain health and fitness gained from treatments.

Herbs & Homeopathy: Herbal combinations enable the inherent properties of herbs to achieve

effective results. Homeopathy preparations use minute doses of a substance to stimulate the body's healing responses.

Muscular Skeletal Alignment & Release: As well as causing discomfort, this type of imbalance can affect related organs. Once identified, releasing tight muscles, strengthening weak muscles and giving supplements targeted at repair, can correct misalignments. Customised exercises may be given to support and maintain corrections.

Chakra Balancing: There are 7 major Chakras, which are associated with different organs and aspects of emotional evolution. Colour, essences, crystals and emotional repatterning can be used to rebalance these energy centres increasing the feeling of wellbeing.

Visualisation and Meditation: Visualisation creates new templates within the unconscious mind to facilitate healing and reduce physical and emotional discomfort. Meditation can bring peace and order to a fractious mind. Regular practise allows you to feel refreshed and calm in the midst of a demanding lifestyle.


Good mental health is vital to our wellbeing. Emotions play a very significant role in our health, sometimes long after an event. Gently releasing mental stress or long held in emotions can have a huge impact on health, happiness and fulfilment.

Emotional Stress Release: Calming Stress release technique for relieving stress.

Flower Essences & Crystals: These are remedies made from tree and flower essences. They are helpful antidotes for difficult emotional responses and help to shift unwanted negative mental states, stress and anxiety.​

Energetic - Spiritual Self​

Energy is the power system within the body mind. It is the interface between body, mind and spirit. When this system is blocked, we are unable to reach our full potential and wellbeing. Below are techniques to reconnect to our power source.

Meridian Flow: Energy moves through channels called meridians. Stimulating specific points

can unblock these energies and enhance the healing process.

Energy Release Exercises: Specific exercises are used to clear and enhance energy flow in and

around the body, and help clear the mind.

Reiki Healing: Reiki is a method of hands-on healing. It is gentle and non-invasive. Receiving this energy can affect your body, mind and emotions, thus accelerating your body's healing process.

2 Hour    £200

1 Hour    £120

1 Hour    £120


Central London

The Light Centre - Monument

36 St Mary at Hill





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Mobile: +447397 885590

We do not diagnose or treat any medical conditions, disorder, injury or disease. Nothing in the information provided is intended to treat or cure disease or to replace conventional medical approaches.

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